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“In the work of Guto Nobrega, nothing is taken for granted. Every aspect of the creative act – its place within the aesthetic realm, its interaction with nature, its utilization of scientific principles and techniques – is subject to creative interrogation, analysis and open-ended exploration. This involves a practice that is holistic and coherent in its manner of inquiry, and that challenges habitual dichotomies of thought to the point of cultural rupture. Qualities of technoetic integration and the creative application of field models mark his method. The metaphors and insights of biophysics that are at work in his understanding of living organisms are demonstrated vividly in the poetic insight he shows towards the integrative function of biophotonic process. His approach is to create networks of relevance and association that weave between and beyond discrete disciplines and discursive orthodoxies. His is the art of connective coherence.” Prof. Roy Ascott.
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Nóbrega, C. A. M. Leaves Systems: Communication with plants.. Antennae, v. 18, p. 102-109, 2011.
Nóbrega, C. A. M. Biophoton ? the language of the cells: What can living systems tell us about interaction?. Technoetic Arts, v. 4, p. 193-201, 2006.
Nóbrega, C. A. M. . Arte como um campo de interações.. Concinnitas (Rio de Janeiro), v. 1, p. 64-69, 2006.
Nóbrega, C. A. M. . Luz e Letra (Resenha). Arte & Ensaio (UFRJ), v. 1, p. 197-198, 2005.
Nóbrega, C. A. M. . Interações, hibridações e simbioses. Arte & Ensaio (UFRJ), v. 9, p. 98-105, 2004.
Nóbrega, C. A. M. . Thinking Hyperorganisms. Art, technology, coherence, connectedness, and the integrative field.. 1. ed. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010. 248p .
Nóbrega, C. A. M. . Art as an interactive field. Subtle liaisons. In: Roy Ascott, G Bast, W Field. (Org.). Conference proceedings of the The Planetary Collegium s IXth International Research Conference: Consciousness Reframed – 2008. Conference proceedings of the The Planetary Collegium s IXth International Research Conference: Consciousness Reframed – 2008. 1ed.New York: SpringerWienNewYork, 2009, v. 1, p. 215-219.
Nóbrega, C. A. M. . Inter faces Urbanas. In: Katia Maciel. (Org.). Transcinemas. Transcinemas. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: Contra Capa, 2009, v. 1, p. -.
Nóbrega, C. A. M. . Interconnecting minds. Playing art. In: Erich Berger. (Org.). Exhibition Catalogue, Conference Proceedings. Homo Ludens Ludens. Exhibition Catalogue, Conference Proceedings. Homo Ludens Ludens. Gijon: LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, 2008, v. , p. -.
Nóbrega, C. A. M. Animalice. Proposta para uma narrativa interativa digital com base na lógica paradoxal de Lewis Carroll.. In: Katia Valeria M. Toledo; André de Souza Parente. (Org.). Redes Sensoriais. Redes Sensoriais. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: Contra Capa, 2003, v. , p. 51-60.
Nóbrega, C. A. M. . Entrevista para a matéria: “Quando crescer, vou ser artista plástico.. Ciência Hoje das Crianças, Rio de Janeiro, p. 22 – 23, 01 abr. 2011.
Nóbrega, C. A. M. . As formas artisticas da tecnologia. Jornal da UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, p. 22 – 22, 01 mar. 2006.
Nóbrega, C. A. M. . Hibridação como estratégia experimental no jogo contra aparelhos (ANPAP). In: ANPAP RJ/2010 Encontro Regional da Associação Nacionalde Pesquisadores em Artes Plásticas[des][des]limites da arte:reencantamentos, impurezas e multiplicidades, 2010, Rio de Janeiro. ANPAP RJ/2010
Encontro Regional da Associação Nacionalde Pesquisadores em Artes Plásticas[des][des]limites da arte:reencantamentos, impurezas e multiplicidades, 2010. v. 1. p. 1-1.
Nóbrega, C. A. M. Hibridação como estratégia experimental no jogo contra aparelhos (9#ART). In: 9º Encontro Internacional de Arte e Tecnologia, 2010, Brasilia. 9#ART. Sistemas Complexos, Artificiais, Naturais e Mistos.. Brasília: UNB, 2010. v. 1. p. 209-216.
Nóbrega, C. A. M. Art as a field phenomenon. In: International Symposium on Electronic Art 2008. Singapore, ISEA., 2008, Singapore. International Symposium on Electronic Art 2008. ISEA., 2008. v. 1.
Nóbrega, C. A. M. . Art as an interactive field. Subtle liaisons. In: The Planetary Collegium s IXth International Research Conference: Consciousness Reframed, 2008, Vienna. Conference proceedings of the The Planetary Collegium s IXth International Research Conference: Consciousness Reframed. New York: SpringerWienNewYork, 2008.
Nóbrega, C. A. M . Art as an Interaction field.. In: Congresso QI and Complexity Consciousness reframed: The 6th International Research Conference, 2004, Beijing. QI and Complexity Consciousness reframed: The 6th International Research Conference, 2004. v. 1. p. 314-321.
Nóbrega, C. A. M. . Interconnecting minds. Playing art. In: Homo Ludens Ludens, 2008, Gijon, Spain. Exhibition Catalogue, Conference Proceedings. Homo Ludens Ludens. Gijon: LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, 2008. v. 1.
Nóbrega, C. A. M. . Leaves System: Art Experiment in Plant Communication and Primary Perception. In: REVIEWING THE FUTURE: Vision, Innovation, Emergence, 2007, Quebec. REVIEWING THE FUTURE: Vision, Innovation, Emergence. Abstracts of the 2007 Planetary Collegium Summit. Montreal – Canada: Planetary Collegium, 2007.
Nóbrega, C. A. M. . Biophoton The language of the cells. What can living systems tell us about interaction?. In: Consciousness Reframed: art and consciousness in the post-biological era. 8th International Research Conference. Plymouth, 2006, Plymouth – UK. Consciousness Reframed: art and consciousness in the post-biological era. 8th International Research Conference. Plymouth: Planetary Collegium, 2006.
Nóbrega, C. A. M. . Biófoton – a linguagem das células. O que os sistemas vivos podem nos dizer a respeito de interação?. In: ?F.A.q. > Questions about Art, Consciousness & Technology, 2006, São Paulo. ?F.A.q. > Questions about Art, Consciousness & Technology, 2006.
Nóbrega, C. A. M. . Animaalice. Proposta para uma narrativa interativa digital com base na lógica paradoxal de Lewis Carroll. In: Redes Sensoriais: arte, ciência e tecnologia., 2003, Fortaleza. Redes Sensoriais. Arte, Ciência, Tecnologia. Rio de Janeiro: Contra Capa, 2003. v. 1.
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Nóbrega, C. A. M. . Arte como um campo de interações.. Concinnitas (Rio de Janeiro), v. 1, p. 64-69, 2006.
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